Celebrate the holiday season with SoCal Kayak Anglers' 8th annual Toys for Tots fishing tournament!

Event Details
Date: December 7th
Time: Registration starts at 6:30 AM, Tournament starts at 7AM
Location: Dana Landing, San Diego
How to Register
Bring two unwrapped toys or a $20 donation as your entry fee. Your gifts will support a child in need of Christmas gifts thought Toys for Tots!
Why Attend?
Fishing Fun
Giving Back
This tournament is all about having fun and supporting the community around us. It's one of the highlights of the year for us, and we eagerly await seeing familiar faces and welcoming new ones. It's a day dedicated to fun and enjoying life on the water. Let's make this year's tournament the best one yet!
Mark your calendars for December 7th! Visit our website or call us for more details. See you on the water!
